Neuro Linguistic Programming
N.L.P. identifies the neurological and nervous processes and strategies used in a persons distorted thinking. It was the work of Richard Bandler, a mathematician and computer scientist and John Grinder a linguist, that studied the way the mind works that developed NLP. Their aim was to understand the brain patterns of highly effective people. Consequently, they came up with the name neuro linguistic programming which is an integration of all these elements. They used their understanding about the sequence of thinking and language patterns to code excellence. They also gave a new purpose to this body of knowledge, which continues to grow today.
Neuro refers to the neurological system, the way we use our senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell to translate our experience into thought processes, both conscious and unconscious. It relates to our physiology as well as our mind and how these function as one system.
Much of NLP is about increasing awareness of our neurological system and learning to manage it.
Linguistic refers to the way one uses language to make sense of our experience and how one communicates that experience to yourself and others. Your language patterns are an expression of who you are and how you think.
Programming is the coding of experience. A programme is a series of steps designed to achieve a specific result. The results you achieve and the effects you create in yourself and others are the consequence of your personal programmes. There is a sequence of behaviour and thinking patterns that result in your experience. Through awareness of these sequences you can code the structure of your own and other peoples experience.